BookLocker alternatives

BookLocker is an online bookstore that sells print and ebooks on all subjects - from everyday to unusual and eclectic - by new authors. While firms like Author Solutions (owner of AuthorHouse, Xlibris, iUniverse, Trafford and more) are squeezing authors out of thousands to tens of thousands of dollars (which we’re betting most authors will never recover in resulting book sales), BookLocker is going in the opposite direction – offering new publishing packages for any budget. By popular demand, we have launched a no-setup-fee D.I.Y. Publishing Program where authors can submit pre-formatted PDF files and pay no setup fees. The best BookLocker alternatives are: Kindle Direct Publishing, Kobo Writing Life, Wattpad

Gert van Niekerk | 14.03.22
I am looking for a e book publisher who can publish easily for the internet layman no prepayment and taking commission on my sales-can you assist-kind Regards, Gert