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Here are the latest news about Bookish:

2013. Bookish - book discovery based on Big Data and real experts

If you're searching for your next captivating book to read, you can turn to social sites equipped with recommendation engines. Typically, you input books you enjoy, and the site matches you with users who share similar interests, providing recommendations based on their preferences. However, this approach has limitations as people have diverse sets of interests. Consequently, publishers, bookstores, and startups have been exploring alternative ideas. Enter Bookish, the new book discovery site that takes a unique approach, combining two distinct methods: harnessing the power of Big Data and incorporating recommendations from their team of expert staff. To assess its effectiveness, try it out by entering a book you like and witness the recommendations it generates. Notably, Bookish offers built-in ecommerce links, enabling users to conveniently purchase books from various websites, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple's iTunes store, among others. While Bookish joins the ranks of websites aiming to enhance book discovery, it stands out due to its extensive list of partnerships. Direct funding for the website comes from three of the "big six" publishers — Hachette, Penguin, and Simon & Schuster — while more than a dozen other publishers, including Random House and Harper Collins, have committed to providing Bookish with exclusive content.
