Bookvibe alternatives

Looking for a great book to read this weekend? BookVibe analyzes the books your friends are talking about on Twitter and Facebook to help you discover new books. The best Bookvibe alternative is Goodreads

Here are the latest news about Bookvibe:

2013. Bookvibe - book recommendation site analizing Twitter and Facebook

Bookvibe is an innovative service that aims to provide readers with a fresh alternative to traditional book discovery platforms like Amazon and Goodreads. It leverages the analysis of tweets and public Facebook posts to extract valuable book recommendations. Users have the option to input their own Twitter handles, enabling them to receive personalized recommendation lists from those they follow on the micro-blogging service. The developers highlight one of the primary advantages of Bookvibe, which is the absence of any purchase or sign-up requirements. Users can derive immediate value from the service without any upfront commitments. Bookvibe also offers compelling features for publishers and authors. It aggregates data from the social web, gathering insights on popular books and public sentiments. Publishers and authors have the opportunity to access this information through a paid dashboard. The company targets both publishing companies and independent authors, viewing the latter as small publishers rather than solely individual authors.
