Top 10 eBook Organizers
January 08, 2025 | Editor: Maria Lin
The most powerful and easy-to-use book organizer. It is an ideal tool for book-lovers, collectors, students, academicians, schools and business libraries. Alfa Ebooks Manager allows to organize your electronic and/or print books in a single e-Library. You can quickly scan your computer for book files, parse metadata, add covers, tags and custom fields, update book data from the Web and even view books in 3D.
calibre is an open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It has a cornucopia of features divided into the following main categories: Library Management, E-book conversion, Syncing to e-book reader devices, Downloading news from the web and converting it into e-book form, Comprehensive e-book viewer, Content server for online access to your book collection
LibraryThing is a cataloging and social networking site for book lovers. LibraryThing helps you create a library-quality catalog of books: books you own, books you've read, books you'd like to read, books you've lent out ... whatever grouping you'd like. Available in many languages.
StoryGraph is the all-in-one platform for your bookish needs. It's a fully-featured Amazon-free alternative to Goodreads. Storygraph helps to track your reading and choose your next book based on your mood and your favorite topics and themes. Organise, search, and filter books by your tags and share curated lists with friends.
Organize your book collection in no time at all. Download full book details and cover art. Just enter ISBNs or scan barcodes. Browse your book database in cover flow. Sort lists any way you want. Find books quickly and easily.Organize your book database and wish list. Never buy dupes again.
Unique and innovative library management, inventory and database solutions for collectors, booksellers, schools, churches, libraries, and other organizations all over the world. Lets you feed in a list of ISBNs, UPCs or barcode scans. Readerware then does the rest, automatically searching the web and cataloging your books, music and videos. Readerware can merge information from multiple web sites to build the most complete database possible, with cover art. Automatically and effortlessly.
Upload and organize your eBooks regardless of format. Integrated eBook reader to read and sync your bookmarks, notes and highlights across all devices.
Kindlian is a cool add-on for your Kindle. It's a desktop app that allows to view and manage Kindle books and collections. When you launch Kindlian, it scans your Kindle, parses book metadata and displays a beautiful e-library. You can easily move and copy books between collections with mouse drag and drop. It also converts other book formats to Kindle's MOBI
Our library management app caters exclusively to home and private libraries. Our online software lets you create multiple libraries, catalog books, movies, and video games, lets you create tags, leave notes, import/export, and much more! Libib has created the best book, movie, and video game cataloging system available online!
Booknizer is a powerful library organizer for books in any format. The program works with paper, electronic (EPUB, MOBI, PRC, PDF, FB2) and audio books (MP3, M4b, WMA etc.). Booknizer will synchronize electronic books between your computer and e-book reader device (like Amazon Kindle, Barnes&Noble Nook, Sony Reader, etc.).
Amaze your friends and show them your collection of books! Collecting books is trendy! All My Books will load all book information from online sources in a matter of seconds. All you have to type to get complete information about a book is to fill one of the fields - book title, author name or ISBN.
BookCAT is discontinued. BookCAT is a powerful book collector database program which will help you catalog a book collection of any size. BookCAT is used by book-lovers, schools, churches, clubs, and business libraries. Using BookCAT you can quickly catalog your books by downloading information from the Internet. BookCAT will help you track what you have in your library, where it is (including books out on loan) and the total value of your collection.
BookBuddy is a powerful book management app that gives you access to your entire book catalog, anywhere. Using BookBuddy is fun and easy, allowing you to quickly find any book in your library, share your favorite books, and keep track of borrowed and lent books
Kavita is a rocket fueled self-hosted digital library which supports a vast array of file formats. Install to start reading and share your server with your friends.
Adobe Digital Editions software offers an engaging way to view and manage eBooks and other digital publications. Use it to download and purchase digital content, which can be read both online and offline. Transfer copy-protected eBooks from your personal computer to other computers or devices. Organize your eBooks into a custom library and annotate pages. Digital Editions also supports industry-standard eBook formats, including PDF/A and EPUB.
eXtreme Books Manager is probably the most advanced Book, eBook, AudioBook collection manager around. It can import all Book Information from many specialized websites. Just write the Book Title or Scan the ISBN Barcode!
My Library is a simple application that helps you to manage your library. My Library main features: connects to your google library account, utilizes the phone's camera to scan a barcode, adds/removes books from your google books shelves, enables you to download pdf of books in public domain, creates a shelf that shows personalized recommendations to you, support for tablet devices
Cloud-based eBook manager that allows users to create a personalized online library, accessible from any device. It offers a simple interface, organization features for sorting and tagging books and AI integration for additional information. Provides free open-source version
An open source book cataloguing application (source on github). Books can be added manually, by ISBN, or barcode. Remember to backup and export your existing catalogue before you upgrade. Features include: sorting by author (last name), title, series, etc, user-defined sort and list styles, search Amazon, Google Books, goodreads and LibraryThing for data, searching, thumbnails (download, gallery or camera), loaning books, goodreads synchronization, export and Backup, bookshelves (books can be on multiple shelves)
Lucidor is a simple tool for reading, managing and organizing your eBooks within your own personal bookcase. It supports ePub and OPDS catalog files. You can search for eBooks online and download them right into the application. A unique feature Lucidor has is the ability to have multiple eBooks open at one time. It does this via it’s tabbed interface, which is much like a Web browser. Lucidor even supports themes. There is also a search bar for finding specific keywords or phrases within your content.
VitalSource Bookshelf is the preferred and most used e-textbook delivery platform in the world of higher education. It lets you access your books from the the desktop application, mobile app (iPhone) or online. You can add highlights and notes to your content and search through them as well as the content of your eBooks.
BookONO is a free e-book manager and reader (PDFs and EPubs fully supported) designed as a compliment to Calibre. It is written in C++ using the Qt5 Toolkit. It is different from Calibre in that it makes a few different design decisions than Calibre, for instance it does not attempt to put all your books in its own library or change their names. Where Calibre attempts to take complete control over your books, BookONO gives you control over your books. BookONO further attempts to take a different direction in terms of its UI, providing a more user-friendly, aesthetically-pleasing experience than Calibre.
Book Organizer Deluxe is a Windows software that allows book collectors, hobbyists, book clubs, small private or public libraries to organize, catalog, and manage book collections on their PCs. Organizer is intuitive and easy to use for the beginner, at the same moment feature-rich and powerful enough to satisfy the most advanced users.
eBook Manager is a fast and easy to use application for organizing e-books on your computer and for transferring them from and to your Kindle e-readers. It understands .mobi, .azw and .azw3 file formats and extracts and shows book metadata like author, title, description, publisher, language, comment and cover image. Books can be organized to collections in the library stored on your computer (but this information is not transferred to the reader).
Tellico is a software application for organizing your book collection. Tellico allows you to enter your collection in a catalogue database, saving many different properties like title, author, etc. Different views of your collection can be shown. The data is saved in XML, a text format which makes for easy parsing, portability, and styling. It will run on any platform which KDE supports, most commonly Linux. Tellico is licensed under the GNU General Public License, giving you the freedom to modify and distribute the source code.
iBouquiniste is an ebook reader like none you've seen before. This app supports FB2, EPUB and TXT formats and offers adjustable fonts, paragraph indents, paper type and more. iBouquiniste gives you a reading experience that's as close as you can get to reading a real book, and it even lets you share your favorite books via email. Click "...More" to learn why you should download this App today!
Quickly catalog, filter, sort, and manage all of the books you own. View information, cover, and add personal details. Hardcover, softcover, eBooks, and more. Uses barcode scanning, database search and manual barcode entry.
Latest news about eBook Organizers
21.05.24. Calibre added support for new Kobo color e-readers

Ebook management software Calibre has updated its Kobo driver to add support for the new color Kobo devices. Besides, the new version of the software includes other new features. In the Edit book dialog now you can add a setting to control cursor width under Preferences->Editor settings. The Regex-function mode allows to show a confirmation popup when closing the function editor when there are unsaved changes. Spell check now allows to exclude words in ALL CAPS or with numbers or in camelCase/snake_case from the list of words. The search now allows easy inverting the current search via the right click menu on the search box.
2023. Calibre 7.0 adds innovative notes feature, audio EPUB support

Kovid Goyal, the mastermind behind the wildly ingenious Calibre, has dropped Calibre 7.0 into the digital ether—a new stable version of the much-beloved, cross-platform, open-source e-book organizer that has kept readers and their libraries in delightfully structured chaos. In this spectacularly brainy update, users now have the thoroughly useful ability to attach notes festooned with links, images, and whimsically formatted text to authors, series, publishers, and tags. But wait, there’s more! Calibre 7.0 boldly steps into the sonic unknown with "Audio EPUB" books, where text is read aloud by recorded voices—though Linux users may encounter a small, patent-induced hiccup on that front. And, for a finale that would make even the most bureaucratically inclined Vogon swoon, the update finally answers long-standing pleas by allowing "data" files to tag along with your books, managed with a simple, glorious right-click. Revolution, thy name is Calibre 7.0.
2023. Alfa Ebooks Manager is available in Microsoft Store

Popular ebook collection software Alfa Ebooks Manager is now available in Microsoft's Windows Store. It brings two advantages for the users. First - is easy installation with one click (the drawback is that you can't change the installation folder, but if you need it - you can still download the regular setup file from Alfa's website). The second and more import, this guarantees the security of the software because every program is tested by Microsoft specialists before adding to the store. In particular they require the strong security certificate SHA256 to be applied. Taking into consideration Calibre's recent security flaws this is an important step for Alfa.
2023. Google Play Books app adds new book management feature

In the dazzling, slightly improbable universe of the Google Play Books app, a recent update has cheerfully transformed its library management system into something one might call vaguely brilliant. Among the many splendid innovations is the newfound ability to wrangle multiple books simultaneously—a feat that, until now, was the sort of thing best left to well-trained android librarians. Users can now, with an almost smug sense of efficiency, shuffle titles en masse onto shelves, declare them triumphantly "finished," or banish downloaded copies with the flick of a digital wrist. But wait, there’s more: cunning filters have emerged to help you navigate this literary cosmos. By sorting books by genre, author, reading age (a lifesaver for those catering to small, sticky-fingered readers), and family library status, one can now find precisely the right tome with the ease of a Magrathean custom planet-builder plucking stars from the sky.
2023. Libib adds Patron freeze to prevent self-checkouts/holds

In a move that might well leave library managers feeling slightly smug and patrons slightly baffled, Libib Cloud Library Management software has unveiled its latest Pro account delight: the Patron Freeze. Previously, the system relied on the quaint but deeply flawed honor system to prevent patrons from grabbing too many books or hogging all the holds. When things inevitably went awry, the only solution was a heavy-handed nuke-the-patron approach, deleting them (and their literary history) from existence—a bit like solving a messy desk problem by setting the entire desk on fire. But lo! Enter the Patron Freeze! With a swift managerial flick of the digital wrist, troublesome patrons can now be frozen in place, unable to check out or place holds, much like a confused penguin at a locked library door. A polite notification will inform them of their predicament, while a fetching blue striped background will mark their frozen status in the system, ensuring managers can spot them with ease. Everyone wins—except the frozen patrons, of course.
2023. CLZ Books allows to use multiple folder levels

In the grand tapestry of book cataloging, the team at has crafted an update for its CLZ Books app that is nothing short of revolutionary—at least, as revolutionary as organizing a digital book collection can possibly be. Imagine, if you will, the joy of finally being able to sort your virtual shelves with not just a single layer of folders (as if you were some sort of single-minded barbarian) but with multiple levels of folders, mind you! Where once you were restricted to choosing between Author, Publisher, Subject, and Location folders, you are now free to stack and nest these folders like a Russian doll of bibliographic order. Want to see all the works of a specific Publisher and then organize them by Author? Done. Craving a look at Publication Year sliced by Author? It's yours! This latest version even arrives with a suite of pre-packaged, multi-layered folder favorites—Publisher/Author, Publication Year/Author, Purchase Year/Store—to satisfy even the most refined cataloging whims. With just a quick tap on a folder favorite, you can navigate from a Publisher to the corresponding Authors, and a further tap will reveal books by that delightful combination of Publisher and Author. It’s organization on a galactic scale, wrapped up in a few cunning clicks.
2023. Calibre improves metadata editor

In a move that could only be described as delightfully unexpected, Calibre has unveiled Version 6.17, brimming with a suite of features that might leave even the most disinterested intergalactic hitchhiker slightly impressed. One might be positively gobsmacked to discover the new support for WOFF fonts and CID keyed fonts in subsetting, which does a stellar job of trimming down file sizes—perfect for when space on your e-reader is as tight as a Vogon's schedule. For those with data files scattered in chaotic fashion, there’s now a thoughtful little link nestled in the book details that whisks you straight to the data files folder (no towels required). Meanwhile, Calibre’s template language has been spruced up, enabling users to probe the mysteries of extra book files with an almost eerie level of precision. In the "Edit book" section, there’s now WEBP format image compression, just in case you ever felt images in ebooks needed a bit more pizazz and a bit less bulk. Oh, and the comments editor? It now features buttons that magically conjure links to files and folders as if summoned by a particularly competent magician. Users also gain the power to display id, formats, and path columns through Preferences—a feature Douglas himself might’ve considered just plausible enough to be brilliant. There's even a shiny new button in the trash bin for clearing contents in one fell swoop (why they didn’t call it the "Mostly Harmless" button is anyone’s guess). To cap it all off, the metadata editor now features a specialized editor for Markdown preview, so custom columns can have all the flair of a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. A version update not just for book lovers, but for those with a serious penchant for the whimsical wonders of the cosmos.
2023. Ebook organizer Readerware has updated it's mobile app

In a bold, dazzling update sure to make fans of digital cataloging weak at the knees, Readerware Mobile 4.31 has splashed onto the scene, arriving on Android, iPhone, and iPad with all the flair of a Vogon poetry recital, minus the nausea. For those in desperate need of inventory management on the go, rejoice: you can now download it from both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, if your fingers can bear the excitement. The development team, in a fit of zealous compliance, has rebuilt Readerware Mobile Sync from the ground up, bending to the whims of app store policies with all the grace of a planet-sized bureaucracy. And with this transformation, gone are the days of syncing with Readerware 3 (which, let’s face it, probably needed a holiday), for Readerware Mobile 4.31 will sync solely with its shiny new counterpart, Readerware 4.31. All this effort has resulted in a version that handles the quirks of Android 11 and beyond with a practiced ease, while also embracing a kaleidoscope of new device densities and image sizes, so every barcode, cover, and cataloged knick-knack looks splendid.
2023. Managing your home book library with Excel: a practical approach

As a book lover, you may find yourself surrounded by an ever-growing collection of books, scattered across shelves and surfaces. Keeping track of them all can feel overwhelming, but fear not—Microsoft Excel can come to the rescue! Yes, the same Excel used for data crunching can help you organize your library and if you already own it, it’s free. ***
2023. What is personal magazine management software?

Magazine management software, it turns out, is exactly the kind of tool you'd want if you found yourself adrift in the murky quagmire of electronic journal databases, which is exactly the sort of situation publishers, editors, librarians, researchers and collectors tend to find themselves in with alarming frequency. It's a bit like owning a digital filing cabinet for the wild, occasionally baffling and always prolific world of magazines. By providing an effortless and efficient way to organize, track and access these digital treasures, the software is essentially the Difference Between a Hitchhiker and a Well-Organized Librarian. ***
2023. Book Collector adds 3 completely new data fields and 4 new sync fields

The new version of Book Collector (v23) has added 3 completely new data fields and 4 new cloud-sync fields. The new fields (Signed By, Dust Jacket and Number Line) were added to all of our book database solutions (mobile, web and desktop). Also, you can now finally sync these existing Book Collector fields through the CLZ Cloud to the CLZ Books mobile app (Cover Artist, Foreword Author, Ghostwriter and Box Set). The similar updates have also been released for the CLZ Books mobile apps and Book Connect web-based software so all 7 fields now nicely sync between all of them.
2023. Calibre now allows to read books aloud with more voices

New Calibre's update brings more voices to Read Aloud feature. It works only on Windows because uses Microsoft speech subsystem. When Read aloud is speaking, you can make the control bar translucent so that words under the bar are visible. There is a number of other new features. Spell check dialog now allows Up and Down arrow keys to work regardless of focus. Edit book feature now allows automatic fixing of various simple CSS errors. And File browser allows using keyboard shortcuts to re-order the spine. Also from the library you can now open the book folder easily. Add by ISBN feature now allows adding using identifiers other than ISBN as well. The update is bundled Qt to 6.4 this means calibre on macOS is now only supported on Big Sur and newer.
2022. Ebook catalog software Calibre 6.3 fine-tunes full text search

In several updated Calibre developers added some new improvements and bug fixes for full-text search, introduced in version 6. They added a button to re-index a book - useful if the book's contents have been changed outside calibre. Search queries start supporting quoting using "docstrings" for easier escaping. The search now ignores soft hyphens when extracting searchable text from books (though you will have to re-index your library to take advantage of this). The e-book viewer now allows searching for nearby words using a new "Nearby words" search mode. New fts_search and fts_index commands allow to perform full text searching from the command line.
2022. eBook management software Collectorz adds vertical book cards

Vertical Cards, recently introduced in Book Collector mobile apps have become instantly very popular, so now they are available in all five Connect flavors too: the Card View. And because Connect already had a view called “Card View”, the developers renamed the old view to “Horizontal Cards” and named the new one “Vertical Cards”. Here’s how to switch to new “Vertical Cards” view: on the toolbar above your collection list, click the 2nd button from the left, called “Vertical Cards”.
2022. Book collection software added Month folders, Cover-paste feature

Book collection software has added some new features. In the Cover tab of your Edit screen you can now paste an image from the clipboard. A quick popup will appear with the pasted image, asking you if you want to past it as front or back cover. In addition to existing “Year” folder options (e.g. for “Added Year”, “Purchase Year”, etc… ) the developers added two more “granular” folder options. You can now folder by “Month” (e.g. “Purchase Month”) or by the exact day (e.g. “Added Date”). These Month and Date folder options are now available for all your date fields. The final and smallest tweak: the “Move to Other Collection” command is now available for one specific items, from the toolbar above its Details Panel. The developers also did a small re-design to the screen that pops up for selecting which collection to move to.
2022. Online home library software Libib allows to edit individual fields fast

Libib has introduced a new additional way to edit individual fields on an item. Each item now displays a pencil icon which will bring up a quick edit menu. This menu is completely accessible through the keyboard; no need to use the mouse to click on anything once it’s up. Begin searching for the field name that you want to edit and the list of options automatically reduce down to your choice. Using quick edit feature to change the title of an itemALT. Click enter on the keyboard to select the first option, or press the down-arrow key to select what you want. Your cursor is automatically placed in the input box and you can start typing. Hit enter to save, or tab to the save button and hit enter. Once it is saved, you are brought right back to the searchable fields, where you can immediately begin editing another field. When you’re done, simply hit escape on your keyboard to close out.
2022. Personal library software All My Books removed all Amazon integrations

The new version All My Books 3.2 has removed all Amazon integration due to an Amazon's lawyer request. Instead of it the program added support of for the book details download. Besides the developers improved "Get large cover" function, added support as a backup source for searching by ISBNs, improved Goodreads support for the book details, optimized images loading in the "Select book" dialog (lazyload), fixed import book details from, added several alternative HTML templates for the book details - "Big Blue Green", "Collector Black", "Sidelined Gray", "This One's Brown". "Table of Contents" field is now displayed as a bulleted list in the book details area.
2021. Calibre added support for the 11th Gen Kindle Paperwhite 5

Ebook management software Calibre has just added support for the brand new Kindle Paperwhite and you can now manage your e-readers collection when having it plugged into your PC or MAC. Furthermore, this release adds support for EPUB 3 landmarks in the Set Semantics tool under the Edit Book component and moves the option that allows Calibre to recognize numbers when sorting from Preferences > Tweaks to Preferences > Behavior. Calibre is one of the best ebook management software in the world, millions of users use the program. It can do some powerful stuff, such as fetch missing metadata on ebooks that you downloaded from the internet, such as book covers. It has an ebook viewer, which can edit titles, can download magazines from the internet and import your collection of books from your PC right to the e-reader, at the click of a button. Calibre
2021. Book management software Booknizer 10 gets a new engine, quick filters for authors, group operations

The new major update of the book management software Booknizer 10 brings a number of significant improvements thanks to the new internal engine. Most of the program's old code was completely rewritten to get rid of bugs and include modern optimizations. In previous versions of Booknizer, the quick filter menu always referred to books. New Booknizer can apply quick filters to authors, too. When the "Authors" tab is active, the menu switches to the authors view automatically. In the new version you can move the mouse cursor over the list of covers / photos and select an item by clicking on a checkbox that appears. This enables Group Operations, allowing to change / update multiple items at once. This is different from previous version, where you needed to enable Group Operations separately. Besides, it added support for picture download via HTTPS, quick search of highlighted phrase on Google, warnings in Add Book tool that a certain book is already in the library, autocomplete feature in drop-down fields. The new publication year field can hold the year of a particular edition and the total cost of your collection is now shown in the statistics window (according to the price entered or downloaded).
2021. Book collection software for Linux Tellico gets Graphical chart reports

KDE-based collection software Tellico 3.4 is available, with several new features, updated data sources, bug fixes and build changes. New data sources for UPCitemdb, TVmaze and Numista were added. Batch searching was added for ISBNdb. The Group View can now be sorted by fields other than the title. The MultiFetcher data source was improved to “daisy-chain” results from multiple sources, merging them together. For example, a UPC search with UPCitemdb could be connected such that the result has additional information from TMDb. Entries can now be filtered using minimum or maximum image size. Importing from the Collectorz software family was added. Graphical chart reports were added (requires compiling with QtCharts). Overall, the entry updating and merging was also improved to both make a better search request as well as match existing results more efficiently.