Kobo Writing Life alternatives
Do you have a story to tell? Are you an author with a bestseller just waiting to be discovered? Want to reach out to millions of readers in over 190 countries? Do you own the digital rights to your work? Then have we got the tool for you! Kobo Writing Life is the one-stop, do-it-yourself publishing portal. The best Kobo Writing Life alternatives are: Kindle Direct Publishing, Google Play Books Partner Center, Barnes and Noble Press
Here are the latest news about Kobo Writing Life:
2019. Kobo Writing Life now accepts Audiobook submissions
Writing Life is the self-publishing division of Kobo and when authors submit an ebook, it is sold across all the various markets where Kobo distributes digital content, which covers most of the globe. Independent authors can now easily upload, promote and sell their audiobooks, adjust prices, or select the countries in which they want to sell through the user-friendly dashboard. The rollout is currently in beta testing and will be accessible to all accounts soon. Audiobook features are currently available in English and will be offered in additional languages by the end of 2019. Kobo Writing Life is one of several self-publishing platforms that accept audiobooks. They are competing with Audible, Findaway Voices, Draft2Digital and others.
2019. Kobo Writing Life now accepts Audiobook submissions
Writing Life is the self-publishing division of Kobo and when authors submit an ebook, it is sold across all the various markets where Kobo distributes digital content, which covers most of the globe. Independent authors can now easily upload, promote and sell their audiobooks, adjust prices, or select the countries in which they want to sell through the user-friendly dashboard. The rollout is currently in beta testing and will be accessible to all accounts soon. Audiobook features are currently available in English and will be offered in additional languages by the end of 2019. Kobo Writing Life is one of several self-publishing platforms that accept audiobooks. They are competing with Audible, Findaway Voices, Draft2Digital and others.
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I would like to know how does e book publishing works