Sigil alternatives

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Sigil is a free multi-platform EPUB ebook editor (think Word or LibreOffice but specific for EPUB ebooks) with the following features: WYSIWYG editing, Table of Contents generator with multi-level heading support, EPUB 2 spec support with limited EPUB 3 support, multiple views: Book View, Code View and Preview View, Metadata editor, spell checking with default and user configurable dictionaries, import of EPUB and HTML files, images, and style sheets. The best Sigil alternative is Calibre

Here are the latest news about Sigil:

2023. Sigil now allows to edit Checkpoint descriptions

Free open-source EPUB editor Sigil has released a new version. In this release a variety of bug fixes and new features have been introduced. The update includes the ability for users to edit Checkpoint descriptions for clarity via the Checkpoint menu, and to show the Checkpoint Change Log via the same menu. The release also includes an update to Hunspell 1.7.2 for improved spellchecking, and the latest version of zlib-1.2.13 for enhanced security. Additionally, Sigil has moved away from using the OS system tmp folder for storing Sigil work-in-progress files and instead created a new “workspace” folder inside the Sigil Preferences folder. Finally, the update also includes the new feature of being able to preview and print contents of Sigil's Preview window. Sigil for Linux users are notified that MathJax 3.2.2+ is now required to render MathML in Sigil’s Preview Window.

2022. Sigil adds user templates

Open-source Ebook Editing software Sigil has released version 1.9.20, which includes several new features. Users can now create new empty xhtml and css files from a user-template.xhtml and user-template.css, and the latest version of MathJax (3.2.2) has been added for mathml support in Preview. Additionally, users can now cycle through two different custom stylesheets (or none at all) for use with Preview, and the FindReplace dialog user interface has been redesigned to minimize size while adding features. Other new features include a FindReplace "Text" only checkbox and support to exclude tags from search, a Toggle Line Wrap Mode and its support added to CodeView via pop-up menu, a Dry Run Replace dialog to act as "Replace All" what if (Shift + Count All), a Replacement filter dialog to allow users to delete unwanted replacements before applying Replace All (Shift + Replace All), and a Counts Report to Saved Searches to show Saved Search Group counts by search.

2019. Sigil 1.0 now automatically restructures EPUBs

Sigil-1.0 marks a significant milestone in the history of Sigil. The requirement that all epubs be restructured to conform to Sigil's long-standing standards has finally been lifted. Upon initial loading, the existing epub structure will be loaded and preserved in its current state, without any renaming or moving. While the BookBrowser will still display the Text, Images, Styles, Fonts, Audio, Video, and Misc "folders," these are now considered "virtual folders" that merely organize the existing resources by type, but do not impose any restrictions on their actual location within the epub. A new Appearance Preference has been added to the Preferences settings that will determine whether the book folder's relative path or its shorter unique name (filename) will be displayed in the BookBrowser. Regardless of the setting, the tooltips in the BookBrowser will always show the file's actual book folder relative path. To distinguish between duplicate file names in different subfolders, the longer path will always be displayed, irrespective of the new Appearance Preference.
