Tolino Page alternatives

Tolino Page
Thanks to the in-built E Ink Carta technology, Tolino Page’s screen reflects light almost like normal paper, for no-glare reading, even in intense sunlight. Better handling is guaranteed thanks to both the new compact format and the structure of the non-slip surface on the back of the page. Tolino Page has plenty of space for all of your favorite eBooks - 8 GB of memory, around 6 GB of it for your books The best Tolino Page alternatives are: Tolino Shine, Kindle Ereader, Tolino Vision, Kindle Paperwhite

Here are the latest news about Tolino Page:

2019. Tolino Page 2 running Android OS is available

Tolino has introduced four new eReaders this week, including the Tolino Page 2, which features a 6-inch E Ink display and operates on an Android-based operating system. Unfortunately, details regarding pricing and global availability have yet to be disclosed. Rest assured, we will keep you updated with any further information as it becomes available. Nevertheless, we can provide specifications for the new Tolino eReader, which includes a 6-inch E Ink Carta touchscreen display with a resolution of 768 x 1024 pixels (212 ppi), a 1 GHz NXP i.MX6 processor, 512MB RAM, 8GB storage, a 1,000 mAh battery, 802.11b/g/n WiFi connectivity, and a micro USB port.
