IUniverse vs Xlibris

Last updated: July 09, 2023
iUniverse and Xlibris are both self-publishing companies that offer services to authors, but they have distinct differences in terms of their publishing packages, pricing, and distribution options.

1. Publishing Packages: One of the key differences between iUniverse and Xlibris lies in their publishing packages and services. iUniverse offers multiple publishing packages that cater to different author needs and budgets. These packages include a range of services such as editing, cover design, formatting, and marketing assistance. iUniverse also offers editorial evaluation and a higher level of editorial support compared to some other self-publishing companies. Xlibris, on the other hand, provides a variety of publishing packages with varying levels of services and features. Authors can choose from packages that include services like cover design, formatting, and distribution assistance, allowing them to select the options that best fit their publishing goals and budget.

2. Pricing: Another difference between iUniverse and Xlibris is their pricing structure. Both companies offer different publishing packages with varying price points. iUniverse's pricing tends to be slightly higher compared to Xlibris, reflecting the additional editorial support and services provided. Xlibris offers more affordable packages, making it a potentially attractive option for authors who have budget constraints but still want to publish their work professionally. It's essential for authors to carefully review the packages and pricing options offered by both companies to determine which one aligns with their budget and publishing needs.

3. Distribution and Reach: iUniverse and Xlibris also differ in terms of their distribution options and reach. Both companies offer distribution services that make books available through online retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other major bookstores. However, iUniverse provides broader distribution channels, including access to libraries and academic institutions. iUniverse also offers the opportunity for selected titles to be considered for potential traditional publishing opportunities. Xlibris primarily focuses on digital distribution and e-book formats, although print-on-demand options are available. The distribution options and reach provided by each company may influence an author's decision depending on their target audience and publishing goals.
iUniverse publishing and author marketing services provider, is the leading book marketing, editorial services, and supported self-publishing company. Initially focused on business-to-consumer print-on-demand publishing, this publishing services provider has developed strategic partnerships that allow us to provide superior options and support for our authors. The iUniverse management team has extensive editorial and managerial experience with traditional publishers.
Xlibris is a book publishing company created by authors, for authors. By focusing on the needs of creative writers and artists, and on how print on demand technology and new approaches can be applied in the publishing industry, we provide authors publishing services to help them get published. Whether you are writing a book, promoting your work, or searching for online publishing services or a self publisher to publish your book, Xlibris' comprehensive range of publishing, editorial, add-on and marketing services enable you to customize your self-publishing experience. Our proficient team of publishing professionals are available every step of the way to guide you through the self-publishing process.