RefWorks alternatives

RefWorks is a web-based commercial reference management software package. The software enables linking from a user's RefWorks account to electronic editions of journals to which the institution's library subscribes. The best RefWorks alternatives are: EndNote, Zotero, JabRef, Mendeley, Citavi

Here are the latest news about RefWorks:

2016. ProQuest has revamped the RefWorks platform to simplify the process of research and collaboration.

ProQuest has introduced a new version of the RefWorks reference management platform, designed to simplify and enhance research and collaboration workflows for students, faculty, and librarians. The platform features a modern citation-style editor with a WYSIWYG interface, making it easier to implement customized output styles. It also includes a built-in PDF reader with annotation and collaboration capabilities, enabling individuals and teams to work more effectively within and outside their institution. The platform offers sharing controls that allow libraries to manage full-text content within the platform, ensuring compliance with copyright obligations. Additionally, new add-ins for Microsoft Store for Office 2016 and Google Docs eliminate the need for traditional downloads, giving students more flexibility in their writing environments. The platform leverages the proprietary 2.6 billion record Summon® discovery service index to validate, correct, and enhance citations, making research more efficient.
