Kobo Writing Life vs Lulu

March 03, 2024
Kobo Writing Life
Do you have a story to tell? Are you an author with a bestseller just waiting to be discovered? Want to reach out to millions of readers in over 190 countries? Do you own the digital rights to your work? Then have we got the tool for you! Kobo Writing Life is the one-stop, do-it-yourself publishing portal.
Lulu pioneered the self-publishing industry and paved the way for people around the world to publish books and bring them to market, while allowing authors to retain full control of their work. Operating a global network, Lulu provides worldwide distribution so that authors can reach readers just about anywhere via print, e-readers and tablet devices. As the leading independent self-publishing company, Lulu has enabled people in more than 225 countries and territories to self-publish nearly two million publications, including 1.5 million books.
Kobo Writing Life vs Lulu in our news:

2024. Self-publishing platform Lulu integrates with website builder Wix

In the vast and often baffling galaxy of book selling, directly connecting with your audience is not just a good idea; it’s the secret sauce of revenue growth and loyal readership. With traditional retailers behaving more erratically than a Vogon poetry recital, Lulu Direct has rather cunningly engineered a way to bypass the whole bewildering mess. It links your very own ecommerce realm directly to Lulu’s intergalactic print-on-demand network. Now, thanks to the brilliant new integration with Wix, you can effortlessly plug your Wix site into Lulu Direct, allowing for direct book sales that you can track and manage with more ease than Marvin experiencing a rare good mood. True, Wix may not boast Shopify’s vast plugin constellation or WordPress’s endless tweakability, but its simplicity makes it ideal for navigating the dark and treacherous waters of website creation without needing a Babel fish.

2022. Lulu unveiles Cover Designer

In a galaxy not so far away, the folks at Lulu, the self-publishing platform with a penchant for simplifying the literary cosmos, have unleashed a shiny new gadget for crafting book covers. While seasoned designers and those who treat design software like a second language might still cozy up to a trusty book cover template, Lulu's cover wizard—erm, designer—is here to beam up anyone crafting books as heartfelt gifts, bespoke limited editions, or test runs for beta readers. This clever contraption takes the hassle out of calculating spine widths and positions (because, honestly, who wants to do that?) and works seamlessly with all Lulu trim sizes, though its paperback game is particularly strong. Users can play with templates, upload images, tinker with text boxes, shape-shift elements to their liking, and even generate an ISBN barcode with a few clicks. It’s practically a universal translator for book covers, ensuring anyone can boldly go where no amateur designer has gone before!

2019. Kobo Writing Life now accepts Audiobook submissions

Writing Life is the self-publishing division of Kobo and when authors submit an ebook, it is sold across all the various markets where Kobo distributes digital content, which covers most of the globe. Independent authors can now easily upload, promote and sell their audiobooks, adjust prices, or select the countries in which they want to sell through the user-friendly dashboard. The rollout is currently in beta testing and will be accessible to all accounts soon. Audiobook features are currently available in English and will be offered in additional languages by the end of 2019. Kobo Writing Life is one of several self-publishing platforms that accept audiobooks. They are competing with Audible, Findaway Voices, Draft2Digital and others.

Author: Laura Candler
Laura Candler is a dedicated housewife and an aspiring writer. With a passion for storytelling, she has successfully published three fiction/romance books through Kindle Direct Publishing. Inspired by her journey, Laura aims to support and guide other aspiring authors by sharing her experiences. In addition to writing books, she also works as a columnist for various websites. Laura's commitment to her craft is evident in her personal blog, where she regularly updates readers with valuable tips and resources related to writing. Beyond her literary pursuits, Laura is an avid cat lover. You can contact Laura via email laura@bookrunch.com