Top 10: Reading Apps with Annotation feature
September 26, 2024 | Author: Maria Lin
These apps allow to add personal comments to ebooks and then easily find and manage these comments. Some of the most popular ebook reading software with annotation function are listed below.
See also: Top 10 eBook Readers
See also: Top 10 eBook Readers
2023. Kindle Scribe annotations are now viewable on Kindle app

In a move that might be described as “an improvement so handy you’ll wonder why it wasn’t always like this,” annotations scribbled with the Kindle Scribe have finally taken up residence in the Kindle app on iOS devices. While the earlier upgrade allowing Notebooks from the Scribe to grace the iOS app already caused much polite nodding, the newly added ability to peek at in-book annotations feels like discovering an unexpected cup of tea in a bleak corner of the galaxy. Now, Kindle users can whimsically peruse their handwritten notes and highlights on a phone or tablet, delightfully unencumbered by the actual Kindle Scribe itself. For those waiting with baited breath on Android, fear not: your syncing salvation is set to arrive in that most definitively vague time known as “early 2024.”
2022. Zotero 6 adds new Note Editor with annotations

The new version of reference management software Zotero 6 includes built-in PDF reader with a tabbed interface, which allows users to mark up PDFs with highlights, notes and image annotations. Additionally, users can clean up metadata for items while viewing their PDFs and add annotations to Zotero notes with automatic citations using a new, powerful note editor. Users can cite other items directly in their notes using Zotero’s familiar citation dialog and insert notes into Word, LibreOffice and Google Docs documents with active Zotero citations for automatically generating bibliographies. Finally, users can export notes to external Markdown editors with links back to Zotero items and PDFs. These new features make it easier than ever for researchers to manage their references, notes and citations all in one place.
2022. Alfareader adds highlited annotations and notes

Alfa.NetSoft has released the new version of their reading app for Windows - Alfareader. The software was fully revamped and redesigned. It's home page now provides Google-like search with attractive bookshelf of recently read books. You can now adjust not only reading template, but also the theme of the main interface. The new timeline tool allows quickly navigate inside book. Moreover, Alfareader now provides tools to save and manage knowledge-blocks. You can easily annotate/highlight text and save the citate to Highlights panel. You can also add own notes/comments to these citates. Besides, Alfareader has a separate section where you can read and manage highlighted notes from all your books.
2014. Scribd adds notes and highlights to its reading app

Ebook subscription leader Scribd has just enhanced the reading experience. It updated its iOS and Android mobile reader apps with some exciting new features. First is highlighting—you can mark your favorite passages, paragraphs and quotes and share them with your friends. You can also add notes, annotations and ideas as you read. The third new feature is Image Zoom, which allows you to zoom in on maps and other illustrations for a closer look. Your notes, highlights and bookmarks automatically sync across all your mobile devices and you can view them on a per-book basis.