Top 10: EPUB Editors

July 30, 2023 | Author: Laura Candler
EPUB editors are versatile and essential software tools designed to edit and create EPUB files, one of the most widely used ebook formats compatible with a wide range of e-readers and digital devices. These editors offer a comprehensive set of features, including text formatting, image insertion, metadata editing, and multimedia integration, empowering authors, publishers, and ebook creators to produce polished and professional EPUB books. With support for CSS and HTML editing, EPUB editors provide users with complete control over the layout and design of their ebooks, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing reading experience for readers on various devices. Some editors also offer real-time preview options, allowing users to visualize how their EPUB book will appear on different screens before finalizing their work. For authors and publishers, EPUB editors are indispensable tools that streamline the creation and modification of ebooks, enabling them to reach a wide audience and deliver captivating digital reading experiences.

Some of the most popular EPUB Editors are listed below.

See also: Top 10 Ebook Creation software

2023. WC3 unveiled EPUB 3.3 specification

The latest version of EPUB, known as EPUB 3.3, has been recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium (WC3). This update maintains backward compatibility, ensuring that documents accessible in version 3.2 can still be accessed in the 3.3 version. Notably, EPUB 3.3 documents have undergone improvements such as reorganization and editorial changes to enhance the user experience. Moreover, there have been significant changes, including the separation of content specification from reading system specifications, and the independent publication of multiple renditions. Accessibility updates have also been implemented in EPUB 3.3 to comply with the European Accessibility Act. Looking ahead, the W3C is committed to further maintaining the EPUB standard. A dedicated working group is expected to oversee the submission of EPUB 3.3 to ISO for an update, based on version 3.0.1. This group will also be responsible for addressing postponed features and considering new ones.

2023. Vellum improves search and start-up window

Ebook Editing software for Mac, Vellum, has introduced several new features to improve user experience. Firstly, the updated Find Bar is now more intuitive and can effectively find words that contain apostrophes, quotes or ellipses. Additionally, the Startup Window has been revamped to display up to 100 of the user’s most recent files, with the option to pin frequently accessed files to the top. The new update also allows users to control whether scene breaks are clarified at the top or bottom of the page. Other new features include the ability to undo changes in whole words rather than single letters, a larger editing space in the Text Editor, the display of Custom Heading Background Presence as a number, the inclusion of subheads in the Logical TOC (or “NCX”), and improved functionality of Keep with Next preceding Text Features.

2023. Calibre improves metadata editor

Calibre has released a new version 6.17, which brings several new features and enhancements. One notable addition is the support for WOFF format fonts and CID keyed fonts in font subsetting, resulting in further reduction of file sizes. Additionally, when data files are present, the book details now include a convenient link to open the data files folder. The template language has been upgraded with various functions that allow users to query the extra files associated with a book. In the Edit book feature, users can now compress images in the WEBP format. The comments editor has also been improved, offering buttons to easily create links to data files and folders when inserting a link. Furthermore, users can now display the id, formats, and path columns through Preferences, allowing for more customization. A new button has been added to the trash bin, enabling users to easily clear its contents. Lastly, the metadata editor now utilizes a dedicated editor with a preview option for custom columns that store Markdown formatted text.

2023. Sigil now allows to edit Checkpoint descriptions

Free open-source EPUB editor Sigil has released a new version. In this release a variety of bug fixes and new features have been introduced. The update includes the ability for users to edit Checkpoint descriptions for clarity via the Checkpoint menu, and to show the Checkpoint Change Log via the same menu. The release also includes an update to Hunspell 1.7.2 for improved spellchecking, and the latest version of zlib-1.2.13 for enhanced security. Additionally, Sigil has moved away from using the OS system tmp folder for storing Sigil work-in-progress files and instead created a new “workspace” folder inside the Sigil Preferences folder. Finally, the update also includes the new feature of being able to preview and print contents of Sigil's Preview window. Sigil for Linux users are notified that MathJax 3.2.2+ is now required to render MathML in Sigil’s Preview Window.

2020. Jutoh improves Mac interface and Epub 3 support

The latest version of Ebook Formatting software Jutoh 3.03 includes a number of new features such as the ability for bibliographies, alphabetical indexes and endnotes to take conditional formatting into account. It has also sped up style operations for multiple table cells, added support for comment author initials in ODT import and export, and enabled the exclusion of documents from the word count using tags in the Word Count dialog. Additionally, the software now handles "sub" and "sup" tags in HTML/Epub import, and takes into account blank paragraph style names within outline levels in ODT import. New fixed layout configurations are Epub 3 by default, and a Mac version for Big Sur on Intel and ARM has been introduced. Other improvements include support for dark mode on Mac and pinch to zoom for the text editor, storyboard document and fixed layout page document.

2019. Sigil 1.0 now automatically restructures EPUBs

Sigil-1.0 marks a significant milestone in the history of Sigil. The requirement that all epubs be restructured to conform to Sigil's long-standing standards has finally been lifted. Upon initial loading, the existing epub structure will be loaded and preserved in its current state, without any renaming or moving. While the BookBrowser will still display the Text, Images, Styles, Fonts, Audio, Video, and Misc "folders," these are now considered "virtual folders" that merely organize the existing resources by type, but do not impose any restrictions on their actual location within the epub. A new Appearance Preference has been added to the Preferences settings that will determine whether the book folder's relative path or its shorter unique name (filename) will be displayed in the BookBrowser. Regardless of the setting, the tooltips in the BookBrowser will always show the file's actual book folder relative path. To distinguish between duplicate file names in different subfolders, the longer path will always be displayed, irrespective of the new Appearance Preference.

2018. Scrivener for macOS adds Dark mode and Scriptwriting

Scrivener 3.1 is a major update for macOS that introduces a number of new features and enhancements. One notable addition is full support for dark mode on macOS 10.14, which allows you to take full control over colors and UI in each mode. Scrivener 3.1 also offers scriptwriting improvements, such as support for "MORE" and "CONT'D" when compiling for PDF and printing, dual dialogue support, and an option to not split sentences across pages in scripts. Enhancements to Compile include the ability to include a cover image when compiling to PDF, improved options for compiling for print-on-demand services, and direct formatting for Epub 3 and Kindle KF8 formats. Additionally, a new "focus mode" is available to fade out everything except the current line, sentence, or paragraph as you write.

2017. Ebook editor Storyist adds Blurb ebook templates

The latest version of Storyist for Mac, version 3.5, has been released. This version includes a highly requested feature: the ability to create PDFs for print using the book templates in Storyist. With the new book editor, users can add front matter, specify verso/recto pages, and set trim size, margins, and bleed to create a print-ready PDF. Additionally, Storyist has collaborated with Blurb, a well-known self-publishing platform, to offer book creation and distribution tools that allow users to easily print and sell their work. The software includes print-optimized templates that can be used to quickly create attractive Blurb Trade Books. Storyist can create ePub and Kindle ebooks for reading in your favorite ebook reader or publishing on iBookstore or

Author: Laura Candler
Laura Candler is a dedicated housewife and an aspiring writer. With a passion for storytelling, she has successfully published three fiction/romance books through Kindle Direct Publishing. Inspired by her journey, Laura aims to support and guide other aspiring authors by sharing her experiences. In addition to writing books, she also works as a columnist for various websites. Laura's commitment to her craft is evident in her personal blog, where she regularly updates readers with valuable tips and resources related to writing. Beyond her literary pursuits, Laura is an avid cat lover. You can contact Laura via email