Top 10: Ebook Editing software for Linux

July 30, 2023 | Author: Laura Candler
Linux Ebook Editing software offers a robust and versatile solution for writers, editors, and avid readers in the Linux operating system environment. These powerful tools provide an array of features to edit, format, and annotate digital books, empowering users to personalize their reading experience or create and refine their literary works seamlessly. With compatibility for various ebook formats and support for advanced text editing and formatting options, Linux Ebook Editing software ensures a smooth and efficient editing process. Many of these applications also incorporate collaboration features, enabling multiple users to collaborate on a single ebook, making them ideal for co-authors or editorial teams. As a testament to the open-source nature of Linux, some Ebook Editing software is available as free and customizable options, providing an inclusive platform for all writers and readers to interact with their favorite literary pieces or unleash their creative potential without limitations.

Some of the most popular Ebook Editing software for Linux are listed below.

See also: Top 10 Ebook Creation software

2023. Sigil now allows to edit Checkpoint descriptions

Free open-source EPUB editor Sigil has released a new version. In this release a variety of bug fixes and new features have been introduced. The update includes the ability for users to edit Checkpoint descriptions for clarity via the Checkpoint menu, and to show the Checkpoint Change Log via the same menu. The release also includes an update to Hunspell 1.7.2 for improved spellchecking, and the latest version of zlib-1.2.13 for enhanced security. Additionally, Sigil has moved away from using the OS system tmp folder for storing Sigil work-in-progress files and instead created a new “workspace” folder inside the Sigil Preferences folder. Finally, the update also includes the new feature of being able to preview and print contents of Sigil's Preview window. Sigil for Linux users are notified that MathJax 3.2.2+ is now required to render MathML in Sigil’s Preview Window.

2022. FocusWriter - distraction-free open-source writing software

FocusWriter is a writing environment designed to minimize distractions and provide a simple, intuitive interface for writers to immerse themselves in their work. By hiding its interface and only revealing it when the user moves their mouse to the edges of the screen, FocusWriter allows users to maintain a sense of familiarity while minimizing interruptions. The software is compatible with Linux and Windows and offers support for various file formats, including TXT, basic RTF, and basic ODT. Additional features such as timers, alarms, customizable themes, typewriter sound effects, live statistics, spell-checking, multi-document support, and daily goals make it a versatile tool for writers. FocusWriter is also available in over 20 different languages, with an optional portable mode for added convenience.

2019. Jutoh adds MOBI book generation

The latest version of Jutoh 2.92, has been released, and it comes with a new feature that allows users to generate Kindle files using Kindlegen, Calibre, or None for Kindle-optimized Epubs. If the Kindle mode is set to None when compiling a Mobipocket configuration, Jutoh will automatically assume an Epub file should be generated. The Kindlegen download dialog has been updated, and now users can set the Kindle file generation method and install it from a local archive. Additionally, options for word count have been moved to their own Options page in the Word Count dialog, including a new option called "Paragraphs to exclude" that allows users to exclude paragraph styles from the word count. Finally, developers added a "Remove paragraphs by style" option to the Document Cleanup dialog, which lets users remove specific styles of paragraphs, such as notes, from their book in one step.

2019. Manuskript adds dark theme on Windows and Linux

Free ebook editing software Manuskript has released a new version. In this update, users of Windows 10 and Linux will now have access to a dark theme. The release also enables alternate spell checkers and includes several bug fixes and updates to language translations. In addition to these improvements, non-English locales can now display the built-in English language, and the default "keep revisions" feature has been disabled. The project save function has also been improved to track the "dirty" state of the project, while window placements have been optimized for better usability. The update also fixes issues such as template new level names being reset and compile/export silently overwriting files. Other improvements include better handling of image tooltips and the prevention of spellchecking when typing a word at the end of a paragraph.

Author: Laura Candler
Laura Candler is a dedicated housewife and an aspiring writer. With a passion for storytelling, she has successfully published three fiction/romance books through Kindle Direct Publishing. Inspired by her journey, Laura aims to support and guide other aspiring authors by sharing her experiences. In addition to writing books, she also works as a columnist for various websites. Laura's commitment to her craft is evident in her personal blog, where she regularly updates readers with valuable tips and resources related to writing. Beyond her literary pursuits, Laura is an avid cat lover. You can contact Laura via email